30 crore in the leaked notice Demand for alimony and 4 BHK flat, Nawazuddin's wife said - all this concoction

30 crore in the leaked notice Demand for alimony and 4 BHK flat, Nawazuddin's wife said - all this concoction

Mumbai. Nawazuddin Siddiqui's wife Alia aka Anjana Kishore Pandey has accused the actor's PR team of leaking a legal notice of divorce. However, he has termed this notice as fabricated and has himself warned to disclose the entire notice. In the notice leaked to the media, it has been claimed that Alia has demanded Rs 30 crore and 4 BHK flat for maintenance allowance from Nawaz. Along with this, 2 fixed deposits of Rs 20 crores have also been sought for both children.

Alia called the notice a PR exercise
Alia on Thursday night said that the notice has been touted as a PR exercise in four tweets. He wrote in the first tweet, "I am getting calls from the media and are asking speculative questions to extract information. Journalists please note that I keep quiet to save Nawaz's public image and name for 10 years." I will keep silence until Nawaz himself forces me to break it. "

I am now receiving calls from Media who are putting speculative questions to gain information.

JOURNALISTS please note that since last 10 years, I have kept silent to protect the public name & image of Nawaz. I will maintain silence till i am forced to break it by Nawaz himself.

- AaliyaSiddiqui2020 (@ ASiddiqui2020) May 28, 2020
Alia wrote in the next tweet, "Everyone please pay attention. Unless I myself accept or reject a claim or allegation from my Twitter handle, the claims and allegations made by any media section are not valid. "
Everyone please note that unless I have personally claimed or denied any claim or allegation on my twitter handle, the said claims / claims made by any section of media is not maintainable.

- AaliyaSiddiqui2020 (@ ASiddiqui2020) May 28, 2020
According to Alia, calls are coming to his lawyer regarding the notice. She writes in the third tweet, "My lawyer is getting calls from media houses claiming that they have a copy of the notice. After verification it seems that it is just a fabricated copy."
My Advocates are receiving calls from media houses, who claim to have a copy of my notice. Upon verification it appears that the said notice is a "fabricated copy"

Who would be behind this? It is obviously a PR exercise to save someone from disgrace. A lot will unfold now.

Alia's fourth tweet is, "Apparently a fabricated notice is being circulated in the media houses, which is part of PR exercise. So I request all media houses and journalists to submit any part of such fabricated notice Avoid using or creating any story about me. "

As an obvious "fabricated notice" is being circulated to Media Houses "as a part of PR exercise".

I therefore request all media houses & journalists to refrain from using any part or portion of such fabricated notice OR even relying on the same to carry any story concerning me.

- AaliyaSiddiqui2020 (@ ASiddiqui2020) May 28, 2020
Aaliya has been accused of physical and mental torture
Alia, who has sent divorce notice to Nawaz twice, has accused him and his family of physical and mental torture in an interview. He had said, "Nawaz never raised a hand on me. But his shouting and arguing was out of bounds. His family tortured me mentally and physically. His brother Shams even beat me. "

Trouble started coming in the relationship from the first year
Alia had also claimed that from the first year of marriage, there was trouble in her and Nawaz's relationship. However, he tried to handle the situation and ignore things. If Anjana believes, Nawaz has always made her feel that she cannot do anything. He also alleges that Nawaz does not let him speak in front of people.

Nawaz does not care about children: Alia
Alia's allegation was that Nawaz did not even care for his children. He had said, "Our children do not even remember when they last met their father. They have not met the children for 3-4 months. But they do not mind. So the children also Got used to it. They don't even ask about them anymore. "

Anjana sent the first notice to Nawaz on 7 May and the second on 13 May. However, there is no reaction from the actor on this yet.

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