Kareena Kapoor shares Time magazine's cover page, demanding justice for deceased black citizen George Floyd

Kareena Kapoor shares Time magazine's cover page, demanding justice for deceased black citizen George Floyd
Kareena Kapoor Khan printed the cover page of Time magazine's raid edition in May 2015. (Photo / Video courtesy of Kareena's Instagram Wall)

Mumbai. Kareena Kapoor Khan on Thursday took to her Instagram account, sharing an old cover page of the famous 'Time magazine', demanding justice for George Floyd, a black citizen killed by police in the US. In his post, he wrote #JusticeForJorgeFloyd, applying the hashtag. After this death, the issue of apartheid has once again become hot in America.

In the photo shared by Time magazine, several policemen are seen behind a black citizen. In addition to the US 1968, 2015, it appears written 'Kya gaya gaya' and 'kya nahi badal'. The original edition of the magazine, 1968, was cut and written in 2015. But 2015 was also cut to 2020 to protest George's death.

Who was George Flood?

George Floyd was a 46-year-old African-American black citizen who died on Monday, May 25 in the city of Minneapolis, US. The unarmed fly was killed when a policeman handcuffed her behind her hand and slammed her to the ground and stabbed her neck with her knees. After which he could not breathe.

He was saying i'm choking

A video of this incident has also surfaced, in which the victim is seen saying that I am suffocating, I am not able to breathe, get out of my neck but the policeman does not listen to him. Other policemen standing there also ignore the warning of people passing by. Meanwhile, within 10 minutes he becomes unconscious and he dies.

Four accused policemen lost their jobs

After footage of the incident came to light, the Minneapolis Police Department of Minnesota Province took strong action against four accused policemen present at the time of the incident and fired them. The family members of the deceased in this case are demanding a case of murder against the accused policemen.

Time magazine published a cover page in 2015

The cover pose that Kareena shared with a 5-year-old photo was published by the magazine in its May 11, 2015 edition. In fact, at that time there were fierce protests in the US city of Baltimore after the death of a black citizen in police custody. Through the image used on the cover page, an attempt was made to say that between 1968 and 2015, police behavior towards blacks had not changed.

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